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History of A&D: Everything began with a dream

Writer's picture: MichaëlMichaël

Updated: Jan 11, 2018

Since humanity exists, humans always dreamed to fly. During a long time, flying has only be a dream, wings had been given to divinities in many areas of the planet. From an idea to reality there had been numerous steps before human conquer the sky with almost no limit. Let's begin with the what brought us to build planes.

Icarus fall after being too close from the sun

The best-know story is the one of Dedale and his son Icarus that had been locked, in the labyrinthe which Dedale build for the King Minos to trap the Minotaur. As they couldn't exit from the labyrinthe by foot, they wanted to do it by the air. Dedale manufactured wings with feathers and wax that they found inside the complexe labyrinthe. They successed to leave but the feeling of freedom was too good for Icarus, he went too close from the sun and wax melted. Icare fell in water and died.

More closely from today, the christianism religion gave to angels wings as for the most famous, archangel St-Michel.

We had to wait till the 15th century after J.C to see Leonard da Vinci do the first drawning of mechanical immitations from birds and bats. The first plane, helicopter and hot-air ballon was drawed but there are no rest of a try. He is also the first one that drew propellers.

Draws of Leonardo da Vinci

Then many people considered as mad have tried to fly as Besnier did in 1678, and Becqueville in 1742 that flew above the "Seine" after jumping from the roof of his hotel and crashed on a boat in the middle of the river.

40 years later, Lalande, the famous French astronomer and other scientists published a study that certified flying was impossible for humans.

300 years later as we all know, Lalande was wrong and plane are flying we'll see what happened in the next article of history of A&D.

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