There are plenty of company able to produce and to supply a global A&D market survey, and it’s good.
However, do they answer to your own queries? Does it allow you for decision making?
Each supplier in Aerospace & defense market is positioning for the most, in 2 or 3 market segments, sometimes more for the bigger.
One brake of their development is the lack of knowledge of their own segment or the one they target and could lead to miss business, to follow a wrong way and to lose money!
All managers need adequate information on where they are? Where to go? Which development? Priority projects? Who are the players? The competitors? To export, where? What they do? The market? The money? The potential? Does this market is accessible for me? Does this solution already exist? Who can help me? And so on…
Aerospace & defense is growing 15% per year but there are a lot of challenge. Some worlds to define it: niche, innovative, high-value, high regulation, high standardization, high confidentiality and a very long projects development cycle.
Some problematics are, how to manufacture one more aircraft? to manage the rise of the supply chain? to improve passengers experience? to find new suppliers? to work with key players? Where selling my solution? Which pricing? Where finding new suppliers?...
Thus, the key players miss the opportunities to discover and to work with innovative companies and vice versa with the consequences you can imagine at the end on this competitive and growing market!
There is a lack of marketing offer for companies needing to know, to understand, to locate one or some specific market segments. Do not forget that for a lot of solutions there are only 5 or 6 suppliers on earth, often less!!!
Surfeo want to provide to the deciders the market survey and keys to take the right decision.
Do not hesitate, submit your case, now!
Clement & Thierry