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Surfeo renewaled its certifications ISO9001:2015 and AS9100:2016

Writer's picture: MichaëlMichaël

Updated: Jan 11, 2018

Audit in November by SGS

After an Audit by SGS in November, Surfeo has been approved, without revision, for these two certifications. We are proud to be one of the first companies that reach the requierements for both. This certifications ensure that our processes are constantly improved and the quality of our services are always reworked.

"Through this certification, I want to thank you all Surfeo's employees for the work done. Every day, you are on the field to serve our Principals, our Clients and due to your valuable work we can bring honestly, in the respect of our ethic code more and more value for our Clients, for the Aerospace & Defense market.  Thank you" Alain Levy, CEO

ISO 9001 and AS 9100 are both quality management certification, the first one gives to associations and companies a map and tools to ensure that their products and services are constantly meeting customer needs and quality is consistently improved.

AS 9100 is an aerospace and defense certification that allows the companies which own it to be in the "Oasis" data base, increase productivity, boost company organisation to be optimal. It also secure the activity into this high risk industry, it helps to answer properly to states authority and big names of the sector and finally it is an important tool to develop a business in this sector.

What's new ?

The new ISO 9001 Certification includes points that wasn't in the past ones. Vocabulary has been updated to be consistent with new evolution. The external and internal environement has been adapted to be composed by the factors that are critical today. One of the most important update is the consider risks, companies have to think about actions to decrease these risks. An identification of capabilities in order to be frequently evaluated.

Same for the AS 9100, the change are mostly about the structure and not about the content in order to match with the new certfication ISO 9001:2015. As the ISO certification, the new AS 9100 certification changes are about better understanding of organisation and internal/external environment with a better comprehension of needs and expectation from the diffents actors of the market. It also includes a management focused on risks and opportunities. Finally the aerospace certification increases the importance of communication, management for change and objectives to run a constent quality improvement.

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