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  • Writer's pictureMichaël

3 European companies to save Alitalia

Italian company that is employing 11,500 workers lost a lot of good and contract during past years because of low-cost airlines competition. Since May 2017, Italian airline is under guardianship after a restructuring program submitted to and rejected by employees. This plan was including 1,700 job removal. As they didn't succeed to organize a plan to avoid bankruptcy, it's now three government employees that led the company.

Alitalia Surfeo
Alitalia is going to be restructured
"Alitalia stay fragile and need a partnership. There is a possibility to work through offers and arrive at a structural solution that doesn't cost to Italian citizen" said Caulo Calanda, Italian minister of economic development.

As an economic development minister, Carlo Calenda said early this week, the proposal from German company Lufthansa to buy the italian company is the "most interesting".

There were three expressions of interest for Italian company. First and most interesting from German airline Lufthansa, an interest from Britain low-cost company EasyJet and the last one from Hungarian low-cost company WizzAir.

Lufthansa Surfeo
Lufthansa submitted an offer for Alitalia

As the minister said, it's the German proposal that was the most interesting. The German side proposal includes ideas to build a NewAlitalia restructured. First, they want the commissioners to make a radical change into the company before they acquire the Italian airline. First decision is to remove 4,000 job when the other proposal was about 6,000 removal.

Italian government will publish before the end of the month a paper to postpone 6 months the date of cession of Alitalia, as Italia political side isn't stable at the moment and it has to be stable for the company abroad to invest in Italia and then in Alitalia.

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