ATR, the Franco-Italian leader of turboprop aircraft market created by Airbus and Leonardo foresees 20 years demand over 3000 new turboprops coming mainly from operators in merging markets.
European company headquartered in Toulouse Blagnac International airport predicted then a new market of 80 billion dollars over 20 years. 40% of the aircraft would come from the replacement of existing ones when 60% will answer to a new need and an important rise of the market.
ATR see for the coming 20 years a rise of 4,5% each year for the turboprop market, which is 0,6% more than they predicted in the 2016 study. ATR expects then 2770 new routes to open in the next 20 years, mainly in Asia and South America.
On a geographic point, Asia Pacific is the region with the greatest predicted demand for 740 aircraft so this region of the globe will run the raise. It will be followed by Europe, Africa and Middle-East (31%), and America (26%). Major demanding countries will be China with a demand for 300 turboprops and India for 260 aircraft.
Demand will change, in fact for the Franco-Italian manufacturer, demand will clearly tend to heavier aircraft from 60 to 80 seats. This kind of aircraft will represent till 80% of sales in the 20 following years that represents 2400 aircraft. For smaller one ATR still see a smaller potential but an existing one as his ATR 42-600 which will replace 40 to 60 seat turboprop aircraft.
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