EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency) have been created in 2002. Headquartered in Cologne with an office in Brussels, it reunites 32 countries: the 28 that are members of European Union plus Switzerland, Luxembourg, Norway, Island and Liechtenstein. Annual budget for 2018 is 161 M €. Main missions are to ensure the highest common level of safety protection regarding EU citizens as well as environmental protection, establish a single regulatory and certification process between member States. The agency also has to facilitate internal aviation single market and create a level playing field and finally to work with other international organizations.
FAA(Federal Aviation Administration) have been created in 1958, and is the Aviation organization of the US headquartered in Washington. Major missions are to regulate US commercial aerial transportation, standardize flight inspection and certification. As well as promote US vivil aerosapce, regulate civil aviation to promote transportation safety in the United States, develop the National Airspace System.
The two entities signed an agreement called Bilateral Oversight Board Decision 8 (BOB8) at the 17th annual FAA-EASA International Safety Conference that took place this year at Ottawa. This agreement has as objectives to reduce cost and delivery time for export by reducing time an effort to validate design approval.
This agreement is the first step to increase level of collaboration among aviation safety regulators from the European Union, United-States and Canada. The agencies will also be able to approve basic aircraft type certifications with minimal scrutiny. This agreement BOB8 is proof that both FAA and EASA admit that safety in aviation will come from a much better expansion of partnership between aviation regulators.
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