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Lemma: the innovative software company partners with Surfeo to target the European Aerospace market

Writer's picture: MichaëlMichaël

Lemma edits the innovative software NICEFLOW™ that proposes different bricks which enable calculations for aerodynamic or propagation of cracks. The advantage of this solution is in the calculation method with an error estimate.

Lemma Engineering is a software editing and R&D company, founded in 2001, specialized in modeling fluid mechanism and propagation of cracks. Thanks to versatile numerical capabilities (fluid dynamics, structure, fluid-structure interaction with contact between moving parts), LEMMA has successfully applied its solutions to a wide range of applications such as: Aerospace, Defense, Offshore, Oil & Gas, Industry, Marine & Sport.

Within the Aerospace & Defense industry, Lemma Engineering field of expertise focus on the fuselage, structure and doors systems. They have strong references within our industry such as fuselage calculation for Stelia Aerospace or doors for Latecoère.

NICEFLOW™ software is an innovative tool for your Computational Fluid Dynamics, Structure and Fluid Structure Interaction challenges. This software is today the only commercial software on the market using the tetrahedral unsteady intelligent mesh approach for compressible (transonic and supersonic) calculation. This approach combines the benefits of high order Tet based general Navier-Stokes equations solver NICEFLOW™ and intelligent mesh algorithm, controling the space-time numerical errors. It enables Lemma to realize simulations and get accurate results where all other structured mesh approaches fail. An example above is the bang sonic calculation and the pressure signature captured down to the ground that perfectly matches the experimental data.

This compressible flow simulations software offers :

  • Multi-scales approach coupled with error fully automated space-time control.

  • Extensive validation for both civil and defense applications

  • Iso/Anisotropic grid automatically generated during the simulation

  • No limitations on geometry details

NICEFLOW™ is a massively parallel CFSD (Computational Fluid & Structure Dynamics) solver with an observed speed up ranging from 90% to 100% (several tests realized up to 2000 cores). End-users don’t have to know parallel programming nor write parallel codes in order to run parallel NICEFLOW™ simulations. NICEFLOW™ will automatically partition the job for users, using default settings that should be close to optimal.

Surfeo will execute in a continuous process the business development of Lemma Engineering, will meet on the field the key players, qualify them, and promote Lemma’s capabilities to detect and qualify new business opportunities.

Office: +33 (1) 55 17 14 68

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