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"New area for French army, sacrifice time is over" said Florence Party army minister

Writer's picture: MichaëlMichaël

French minister of Armies announced that French government will launch a new law project about French military budget. She will defend it 3 days in a row at the French National Assembly in order to make it approved and start it early 2019.

New budget line for 2019-2025

Since a long time, French armies have to face a contradictory fact. In fact, there is a massive engagement around the world. French army sent their forces around the world to defend their interest and fight for peace. But the budget wasn't following, every year there were cut into the budget invested in military. Consequences: lack of people and lack of innovation for programs that when they are not totally stopped, are always late.

Investment to renew air fleet

Engaged in every side of the planet, French army needs to have the budget to face their objectives and to face every threat they're facing. To achieve that, the law project will help to launch a new model that will be ready for 2030 in order to better ensure the 5 main functions of French armies that are: strategy, deterrence, protection, research and anticipation.

These measures will allow to modernize actual equipment and buy innovative one in order to reinforce France autonomy. Finally, regarding aviation, the French minister confirmed that they will invest a lot in drones, aircraft and renew the fighter jet fleet.

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