The low cost company announced that they want to open four new bases in France. This is a 180° move for Irish company that has been condemned in 2011 because of non-conformity with French labor Code.
During a pitch, Ryanair CEO said that they will open ten new routes in 2018 in France that will go to Bratislava, Malta, Prague, Tessalonique, Bucarest, Budapest, London, Sevilla and Valence.
This change is a consequence of:
"An economical environment that is more favorable for companies in France with the new government" and the company finally recognize trade union that " opens new opportunities in France" said David O'Brien sales manager of the Irish firm.
With these four bases, Ryanair will hire a total of 1 000 new employees including 300 pilots. At the moment, Ryanair market share in France only represents 6% of the total traffic whereas it is 15% in the entire Europe. But, to better understand the lack of presence in France, the main figure is the following. Ryanair hold 87 bases in Europe but none in France ... until 2019.